Tuesday, 26 October 2010

How to stop Revit floor slab edges from moving.

Some of you may already know this workaround as it does go back a few years but it’s something that I have just stumbled upon which would of saved me a lot of time on previous projects.

The symptoms.
  • Having groundhog day checking and double checking your slab setting out?
  • Wondering why one edge of the slab appears to of shifted whilst the other side remains in the same location?
  • Spending days wondering who is sabotaging your slab setting out and perhaps more puzzling why someone would be doing this?
  • Getting sick of having to edit the slab sketch and YET AGAIN lock it to a gridline?

 The problem:
Floor slabs sometimes feel the need to try and be helpful by shape shifting themselves when walls which are adjacent to their edges get moved. If the wall moves the slab edge moves. You can try any of the following methods to combat this behaviour to no avail. Pinning, locking sketch edges, locking dims, isolating on separate workset...All of which won’t work.

 The solution:
Simply put the slab(s) in a group and it will no longer be able to shape shift..
A very simple but very handy workaround. I’m guessing the same thing applies to roofs and ceilings although i haven't tested it on them yet.

Monday, 4 October 2010

AEC (UK) BIM Standards for Revit

Well, Its been a long time I know so I thought I better get back on board with updating the blog..

I wanted to spread the word about the AEC (UK) BIM standards for Revit which is freely available to download from www.aecuk.wordpress.com. This document should hopefully be of interest and of use to those of you out there who are starting to think about Revit standards within your office or your Revit projects. The standard covers a wide range of common issues including:

  • Project BIM Strategy
  • Collaborative BIM Data Sharing
  • Data Segregation
  • Modelling Methodology
  • File and Folder Naming
  • Presentation Styles 

The document is intended as a guide and is open to suggestions for improvements and modifications so please feel free leave feedback on the AEC website.